SRT Gatto Selvatico

SRT Wildcat SRT Wildkatze SRT Gato monés SRT Chat Sauvage
Art n: 08470125
Target parts: 1
N. of rings: 3
Length: 60 cm
Height: 28 cm
Group: Group 4
163,00€ IVA 22% incl.
22% Taxes included
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Target group 4, onepiece, 3 killzone, Sagoma gruppo 4, Monopezzo, 3 spot

SRT Wildcat , one of our bestsellers since many years .
You find it on every tournament and percourse.
3 killzones gives the possibility to create interesting shooting positions
and gives the target a longer life.
Easy pull

 Handcraftet Premium Quality Made in Italy

Sculptured with natural design

SRT Targets over 30 years of creativity and innovating 3D targets.

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