SRT Capriolo VSE al pascolo

SRT Roebuck VSE grazing SRT Rehbock VSE àsend SRT Ciervos VSE pastando SRT Cvevreuil VSE pâturage
Art n: 08472572
Target parts: 2
N. of rings: 3
Length: 96 cm
Height: 72 cm
Group: Group 2
328,00€ IVA 22% incl.
22% Taxes included
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Roe deer is a hoofed animal that lives in Europe and Asia. It has short stages, generally with three points per side in adult subjects. The body is a color between red and brown, the muzzle towards gray. It is very fast and lives on highlands and mountains, although it was originally mainly in the plains. The SRT VSE roe deer grazing is part of our "Trittico Roe deer", which is composed of three beautiful roe deers in different positions, so reproduced as in nature, that you have to look twice, if it is true or an SRT :-) Real or SRT, that's the question ?

Tecnical Informations :


Number  of rings                             3

Height                                           72 cm

Large                                            96 cm

Weight                                          12 kg

Position of rings :

Spot lateral     anatomic     21 cm /13 cm/ 5.5 cm            Group 2

Spot lateral     anatomic     21 cm /13 cm/ 5.5 cm            Group 2

Spot back        oval             19 cm / 8,5 cm/ 4 cm             Group 3


Targets Our price
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