SRT Calabrone

SRT Hornet SRT Hornisse SRT Avispòn SRT Frelon
Art n: 08490002
Target parts: 1
N. of rings: 4
Length: 60 cm
Height: 28 cm
Group: Group 4
181,00€ IVA 22% incl.
22% Taxes included
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amazing realistic target perfect for every kind of percours kids will really like it

SRT Hornett, one of our bestsellers in FUN TARGETS, you find it on every tournament and parcours. 

 100 % original Masterpiece of fine 3D Art work from Sandro Ruggiu, especially for the young archers to enjoy their first shoots. 

Handcraftet Premium Quality Made in Italy


Easy pull ,Sculptured with natural design, powerfull colors 

SRT Targets 30 years of creativity and innovating 3D targets


Tecnical Informations :


Number  of rings                                                         4

Height                                                                          28 cm

Length                                                                         60 cm

Weight                                                                          6 kg

Position of rings :

2 Spots  lateral        round     11 cm /6 cm/ 3 cm                   Group 4

1 Spots  back          round     11 cm /6 cm/ 3 cm                    Group 4

1 Spot    back              oval   14 cm / 6 cm/ 3 cm                    Group 4

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