SRT Cervo Rosso Sdraiato

SRT Elk Bedded SRT Rothirsch liegend SRT Ciervos acostado SRT Cerf Rouge couché
Art n: 08470891
Target parts: 2
N. of rings: 3
Length: 155 cm
Height: 55 cm
Group: Group 1
829,00€ IVA 22% incl.
22% Taxes included
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Group 1 - Nr. of scores 3

100 % original Masterpiece of fine 3D Art work from SRT 

Handcraftet Premium Quality Made in Italy


Easy pull ,Sculptured with natural design, powerfull colors 

SRT Targets 30 years of creativity and innovating 3D targets



Height misura top until shoulder 55 cmTop until head 77 cm

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